For any technical issues or feature requests please use the submit feedback form here, rather than posting on the forum, thanks.
I really like that the lesson vocabulary PDF files have been relabeled. I always print them out before the lessons. I...
I have noticed that since the latest update the video index doesn't exist anymore. I liked it a lot since it gave me ...
Hi as the title says, I am looking for a app on the web or phone where you can practice your pronunciations, for exam...
So basically I just returned to Domino Chinese and discovered the flashcard features and started using it. I noticed ...
I know that they teach opposite things and no one here will ever need to take it, but to be honest I am downright cur...
I just finished Level 2, chapter 1, all 3 lessons, I cannot access the Chapter 1 quiz. How can I do that?
The quiz that shows at the end of Level 2 Chapter 1 is incorrect it shows questions that are not part of that chapter
Does anyone have suggestions for listening practice? Ideas for an advanced beginner or low intermediate student would...
You used to have a chapter summary with a review of all words and sentences at the end of each chapter. This is no lo...
I completed and received a certificate for level 4 and I simply don't remember how ! I can't find level 5 test. Am I ...
What happened to the course book? There used to be a large PDF that covered all the levels with vocabulary and exerci...
Where is the teacher Book? I want to verify my answers in the course Book. 谢谢 Anelyse
大家好 Does anyone know where the complete story time book is? The link in resources leads to a vocab list. I have al...