Julian Wong 3 years ago
Quan bu dou Yao / you’re late!

Hi fellow Domino’s!

Could someone please kindly tell me in either lesson 1 or 2 where I can find two of my favourite lessons ??

The first lesson is where Felix is at a street food market. He says “我要这个,要这个要这个, wait! I want all of it!!” And the lady says “ yummy yummy!”😂

The second lesson is when Felix is waiting for An and an is late. Felix then expresses how is he’s not happy by telling An “look at the time! I’ve been waitin for a long time!” Then An just laughs and “breaks” with the script 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I laughed so much!!!

Can anyone please let me know whIch lesson/chapter this is please?



John Morgan 3 years ago

Hi, I can help with the first one as I watched it not long ago and remember it because it made me chuckle. 😂 It is the video called "Greedy people", in Level 2, chapter 2, Lesson 1. I don't know the other one I'm afraid! Cheers

Julian Wong 3 years ago

Thanks John! I tried looking up in the dictionary within this app for “quan” but nothing showed up. I would have thought the word would be included. But anyways, thank you and yes, it was quite amusing with that video!😆😆I’m going to check it out now. Cheers! J加油!

Michael R 3 years ago

Hi, I'm pretty sure the second one is Lvl2/Chapter 4/Lesson 2 "Stupid and late" ight at the end of the video it's a good one 😊

Julian Wong 3 years ago

@Michael R - Thank you!!!! That has to be one of my most favourite videos on Domino Chinese!我现在在开玩笑啊!很多很多开玩笑啦!hhhh! 太感谢您了!加油!

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