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If someone stole your lover, a Breakup Spell can be cast to get him or her back to you. This spell is designed to pow...
Effective Midrand Money spells +27833895606 Wealthy spells in Johannesburg|Krugersdorp| Bedfordview| East Rand |Boksb...
buy driver's license online (WHATSAPP: +1 (725) 867-9567) Buy real/fake passport, ID Card, SSN. Buy fake US dollars, ...
In the flash cards is this: 你不这道这个是什么吗? Why is 吗 used when 什么 is used? I thought the 吗 could be droppe...
What is the difference between 你很… and 你这个人很… Example 他人很内向。 I tried looking it up but I can’t find anyt...
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone had any resources for apps/sites that are able to explain grammar in more det...
大家好! Spain的名字是西班牙和Canada名是加拿大。为什么它们没有‘国’? 你们知道为什么一些国没有‘国’?
Let's practice and help each other correcting out sentences! 加油!
In the vids you show the drop character and it's leaning to the left, but in the bai character it's leaning to the ri...