Richard Ashbrooke 2 years ago
回家 Lesson

Within the lesson for 回家, an example was presented of:

I’m going home = 我要回家。

Doesn’t this mean = I want to go home.

Should it be = 我要回家了。

Go easy, I’m only learning!

John Morgan 2 years ago

Hi, I don't know the context of the video you watched, but I do know that


does indeed mean "I am going home", or "I will be going home".
As you know, 要 has lots of meanings, so it depends on the context of the sentence. You may be right about adding 了 though. I'll let someone else explain the logic, but my understanding is If you mean to say "I'm off home now" then I think 我要回家了 sounds better, but if you are going home tomorrow for example then you probably don't want the 了. (我明天回家。)

Oh, and use 我想回家(了) for "I want to go home."

Hope that's some help! 加油!

Richard Ashbrooke 2 years ago

Ahhh. It does help. I also remember a video lesson that around, ‘要 。。。了’ meant ‘going to’ (from memory), which is why I was a little confused.

Domino Gavin 2 years ago

Exactly what John said.

👍 很好

Ciaran Murdock 2 years ago

already resolved but what I found helpful is that it's actually the same in English.

think about how "will" also means "to will something to happen" you know? it also expresses desire and intent, just like chinese, except that colloquially we use it for future tense wayyy more so we forget sometimes

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