Max N. 3 years ago
New Vocabulary (because of HSK change?) in level 1-9

大家好, I've noticed that in the first few levels a lot of new vocabulary got added. Could I get a list with all the new words so I can study them without having to go through all the previous levels again? 谢谢

Domino Gavin 3 years ago

Hi Max,

Thanks for reaching out.

I've put it into our requirement list. Will keep you updated.


Max N. 3 years ago

I went through the trouble to compare it myself with the old pleco list I still had. All in all there's around 1100 new words, a lot are just very minor though (它的 for example). I hope it's ok to share the list of unique words here ( If not please let me know and I'll stop the sharing link. Another question though: Did videos get updated as well on levels 1 to 9? What changed exactly?

Max N. 3 years ago

And as an extra the unique words from the old course ( It's mainly example sentences

Sangdang123 2 years ago

what HSK level does domino level 1-20 cover?

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