131366 4 years ago
Setting up Anki for Android

Could somebody help to set up Anki app on an Android phone? I managed to import the DominoChinese deck into the app and while I was watching the Anki setup video I got lost at the place we I need to go to "Tools" and create a filtered deck. I can't find it on my Android app. How could I proceed after I downloaded the deck? Thanks! Alex

Samuel Taylor 3 years ago

It really depends on which phone you have and how its set up. My Samsung Galaxy S10 used to automatically open them; it was sweet, I could down load a deck and then just open it in MY FILES, and it would install. Maybe that's all you have to do. That said, my phone randomly stopped opening files about three months back because I think I reset the default app. Now I have to use the desktop app to install decks. After that, I sync them to my Anki Web account, and I'm good to go. There's lots of howto videos on youtube. Honestly, the real power in Anki is in the desktop app. You can customize your cards and make them do all sorts of crazy things.

Do be aware, based on my experience (i'm finishing up Level 4 soon) there were more than a few typos, and so far there have been a couple of outright errors (but only a couple, and only because the lessons themselves were confusing). For instance, the card for 百分之六 says it's 60%. The actual answer should really be 6%。

Samuel Taylor 3 years ago

Don't get me wrong tho, even if it's not perfect, the Anki deck is an absolutely wonderful resource, and whoever put it together is a real hero. It's not easy work, and that's an incredible amount of flashcards. Besides, editing the cards if they have a few typos, or even just to add pictures from time to time, increases memory retention.

Shahzad Ahmed 3 years ago

Hi.. Could someone share the codes to create filtered decks here..thanks

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