Tuspol K. 4 years ago
Not all words were transferred to Flashcard?

So basically I just returned to Domino Chinese and discovered the flashcard features and started using it. I noticed that potentially not all the words have been transferred over to flashcard. This is because there are like 6300 ish words for the first course but I only have 2400 ish for being half way through level 8. I also went back and watched some of the old videos and now I suddenly have more cards to review in my deck. Not only that the existing cards are all in words and there's no sentence to review. Is this an old problem and can this be fixed? I'm a bit of a perfectionist and I'm not sure if there are many other words/sentences I'm missing out on reviewing.

Max N. 4 years ago

yes the word count presented in the course overview is not accurate. It's more on par with total number of flashcards presented in the individual lesson reviews which also include phrases and sentences. Especially until level 10 you get a lot of useful example phrases with the new vocabulary. This blows up the total number of cards to around 6000. I personally use a third party app with the official flashcards provide by dominochinese. For all 20 levels there's a grand total of 8200 or so cards, About 6000 you get in the first 10 levels. From there onward no more example sentences in the vocab list, only words, hence the lesser amount. I think my app already filters out duplicates by the way, thus only 6000 instead of 6300 flashcards. In summary: I believe the marketing claims are false (the website shows me now 4181 words learned at the end of level 11), but nevertheless you get more than enough words to study. I hope this could help you out! 加油

Tuspol K. 4 years ago

Hey thanks for your comprehensive reply. I understand what you are saying. Although what I meant was that in my synced deck there is no sentence/phrase at all, just words - where as in anki which I used earlier contains both words and sentences. I find it more useful to combine both words and sentences since it reminds me how I can use it in real life if that makes sense.

Max N. 4 years ago

Yes you're right. I just checked myself and no sentences in the build-in flashcard system. I also enjoy having examples with words. Maybe they could add the dialogues as flashcards to import in pleco or anki. Right now I'm using the spoonfed chinese decks to study sentences and reaffirm learned words. So far it aligns quite well with my learned words.

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