I have noticed that since the latest update the video index doesn't exist anymore. I liked it a lot since it gave me an idea how long the lesson is and how far along I am already. Was the removal intentional or a bug? I've already opened a technical issue ticket though... Maybe you guys could clarify. Thanks in advance!
I don't know how to delete the post, but for anyone wondering it wasn't a missing feature but more a problem with one of the chrome addons I was using ("Translate" for Chrome if anyone is wondering (https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/translator/hiidjliailpkjeigakikbfedlfijngih)). Thanks to support team and keep up the great work! Cheers!
Hi Max,
Thanks for pointing it out. Lemme just raise a ticket and let our engineers figure it out. We'll get back to you ASAP.(via email)