Manager 4 years ago
Introductions! Tell everyone about yourself.

Write it in English or Chinese or any other language. Share some of yourself and help build our community!

Manager 4 years ago

I'll start! 我叫李飞,英文名字是Felix。我是DominoChinese的创始人,我以前在广州生活了五年,现在住在瑞典了。 (with translation) My name's Lifei (flying plum), my English/Swedish name's Felix. I'm the founder of DominoChinese. I used to live in Guangzhou for 5 years but nowadays I live in Sweden.

Tell me about you or ask me about me! 好的!加油!

Remus Rughinis 007 4 years ago

Whoa, I actually managed to understand that!

Nick G 4 years ago

大家好!我叫Nick但是我不知道我的中文名字。 我又住在美国北方又非常喜欢吃饭。我在学两个月。。。DominoChinese很好!

Miriam S.K 4 years ago

大家好。 我叫Miriam. I am Nigerian and live in Nigeria. 我爱中国和汉语。 I have always wanted to go there and hope to go there very soon. What excites me the most about China is the beautiful culture and cultural heritage. I also love 中国菜。 I am so happy I found this website. I decided to start learning Chinese last year and got discouraged for a while because of the overwhelming amount of content out there and the hassle of trying to find which one is best for me. A few weeks back I decided to try again and this time I chose to find one study plan that I could stick to.

我很高兴 I found DominoChinese. I just love the lesson style! 谢谢你 Felix for creating such an awesome site. Cheers!

David Morris 4 years ago


Malachi 平王 4 years ago

您好。我叫Malachi。我还是需要一个中文的名字。我有去中国一些次。我住在美国。我不认识谁都说中文,但是我爱汉语全都一样。我跟Domino Chinese现有学习中文一年。我非常想说多的。

Tristan Dobos 4 years ago

大家好,我叫Tristan。我来自斯洛伐克。这里会说中文的人太少啊。我还没去过中国,但是我明年打算该改这个。然后,我学习中文已经三年了。Domino Chinese 是我的最喜欢的学法。最后,中国饭和和文化都好喜欢。在这里还有别的欧洲人吗?

Antonio Ferrara 4 years ago

大家好!我是Italian学习汉语。 我不知道为什么,就我觉得这个语言有很多意思。语言是我的好爱。。。希望学好很多东西让我读书用中文!

Khaoula Ait Soussi 4 years ago

你好! (Well, for now, my Chinese ends here 哈哈哈哈) My name is Khaoula, I am from Morocco. I am a college student majoring in computer science. Out of my huge interest in Chinese culture, I joined Domino Chinese 15 days ago. I am very pleased with the methodology followed by the wonderful instructor Mr. Felix and all the other instructors. 谢谢你们.

Sebastian Au 4 years ago

大家好。我的名字是Sebastian. 我是一个德国人但是我住在澳大利亚,在墨尔本。我学习中文因为我要去中国工作在上海。我开始学习汉语十二月2019. That's where my Chinese now get's bad :). Hoping to complete the first 10 levels of Domino Chinese in 2020 to be ready to move to China with my wife, who hails from 广州。

Long Dinh Trinh 4 years ago


Christina :) 4 years ago


Intesar Nur 4 years ago

大家好我叫Intesar. 我是医学生. Domino Chinese 是很好. 我用三个月

Jovann Aguilera 4 years ago

大家好!你们叫我Jovann,我是从Mexico来的,我想要学习普通话因为我想去中国。我用domino Chinese半个月。

Angela Vitale 4 years ago


ddd fr xf


Chantal Overbeeke 4 years ago

大家好,我叫善婷,英文名字是Chantal. 我是荷兰人。我刚才学完了级八,而且我感觉有很多可以说在中文的事情。 我希望在未来可以去中国学多和练习我的中文。 前到那时候,我会继续向DominoChinese学中文。 谢谢造这个课,学习的方式太好了!

Paul Hallsworth 4 years ago

Been starting and stopping on this course for far too long now . Need a kick in the pants to stick with it , especially as I am currently having an apartment built in Fangchenggang , best I pull my finger out or it will be a fairly isolated existence in my old age :) . Wife is Chinese so I have absolutely no excuse ....

John Stanko 4 years ago


Phil Burnage 4 years ago

大家好, 我叫Phil。我住在上海。 我五年前去中国。我老婆是湖北奴人。

Phil Burnage 4 years ago

大家好, 我叫Phil。我住在上海。 我五年前去中国。我老婆是湖北奴人。

Joshua Kaufmann 4 years ago

大家好我叫田羽翔。我是美国人但是我已经住在中国四年左右。我的老婆是中国人还有我们有一个月季花公司。 我们在淘宝上卖花。我目前在做月季育种。我们的公司在天津。 天津离北京很近。 如果你在天津或在北京,而且你想要看花,就告诉我。 欢迎你来我们的花圃!

Gg High 4 years ago


Ted Ellis 4 years ago


Lance Kaufman 4 years ago


Elisa _ 4 years ago


Daniel Koszegi 4 years ago

Hi Everyone, my name is Daniel, I'm from Hungary. To be honest I have studied Chinese through Udemy/Dominos about two years ago, but unfortunately stopped after a few months. I've decided to start it again from almost 0 yesterday. 我是, 匈牙利人,and that is about what I remember... 哈哈哈哈 Hope I will have more dedication now to keep on studying...

Mariela Galjar 4 years ago

你好人人!我叫 Mariela! 我是克罗地亚人。我的中文不好,所以 I'll continue in English. I've started learning Chinese about a year ago through Domino's videos on Udemy, but haven't been able to dedicate as much time as I would have liked to learning it, but hope to do so from now on because I've been really enjoying the lessons and are finding the Chinese language to be more and more beautiful as I progress! 谢谢你!

Fx Laytman 4 years ago

Hello everyone, I must say I love DominoChinese!

John Morgan 4 years ago

大家好!叫我John。我是英国人。我住在上海。我觉得这个网站很有趣! This course looks great so far. Looking forward to how it continues! I found Domino via Udemy, but this site is much better. I love the fact that it works from in China without a VPN!❤️ DominoChinese加油!

Julian Wong 4 years ago

你们好!我叫Julian。我是澳大利亚的。我自己学习汉语大概1.5年。我喜欢学汉语因为很有意思啊。我希望一天我的汉语成为越来越好。Aside from English我不会说其他语言。你们,加油啊!

Stephen Babu Ogwel 4 years ago

你好, I am Stephen from Kenya. I just started learning Chinese a week ago. I was looking for a free course for a start and found Domino. Loving it so far. I want to be able to read and speak Chinese.

Trang Vu 4 years ago


Ronny Andersen 4 years ago

你好 I'm Ronny 挪威 国人. I thinks that's right 哈哈. I study organizational psychology at BI Norwegian Business School, and I'm a curios person by nature so I thought "Chinese sounds cool, why not give that a go" Love it so far, the characters are truly wonderful. Hyggelig å møte dere alle, gleder meg til å lære mer :D Digger kursene dine Felix, det at de er litt uprofesjonelle gir dem en hjemme-aktig sjarm som jeg bare elsker. Keep up the good work, excited to see what more you'll do.

David Virdee 4 years ago

大家好,我的名字是David,来自英国。我跟Domino Chinese都已经自学中文两年, 我想学习中文因为现在有了中国的一家人。基本上我想和我老婆的家人聊天,还有我和Domino喜欢学习汉语!

DELETED 4 years ago

你好!我叫大约翰。 I am learning 中文 for fun and to communicate better with my fiancee's family.

Ferenc Katona 4 years ago

Good morning all of the readers ! I'm an old man (60+) from Hungary, and try to learn Chinese anyway - 'hoping, that I can do that. China has a rich culture, I was there two times in business trips - and I was amazed on peaceful and friendly people - so I decided to learn, understand more about the soul of chinese people, and culture.

Pavel Kotyza 4 years ago

你好。 我叫Pavel名字。 我是捷克人。 我爱DominoChinese。

Cherry Mae Conopio 4 years ago

Nihao, I am starting to learn Chinese! I want to learn Chinese so that I can communicate with people. I also like to sing more confidently in Chinese. EXO is the reason why I got interested in learning different languages.

Kpnair26 4 years ago

Hello.. 大家好, 我叫Priya。我是印度人。很高兴认识你们。

Edward Veronda 4 years ago

你好。我是“爱德华“ 我非常喜欢 DominoChinese. 有一天,我喜欢去中国为中文。谢谢你

Daniela 赫尔曼 4 years ago

你好 👋 我是Daniela。我今年25岁,来自德国。我在学校学了一点中文。我兄弟的奴又是中国人,所以我学更多。希望我能从大家中学到很多东西。拜拜 👋

Evanserickson 4 years ago


Sylvain J'Wardane 4 years ago

Bonjour tout le monde! Je vois que je suis la seule personne à écrire en français ici.. Mais bon, je suis sri-lankais et toutes les langues me sont étrangères sauf ma langue maternelle le cinghalais. Je parle couramment le français (10 ans à Paris) et le russe (10 ans en Ukraine/Russie) sans accent. J'ai appris l'espagnol tout seul pendant quelques annes (à 70%) et l'an dernier j'ai pris un mois de cours en Espagne. Je vis actuellement au Canada dans la partie anglophone. Mon anglais n'est pas sans accent, car je l'ai appris à l'école à Sri Lanka avec un mauvais accent, mais je l'ai perdu presque (ouf..). Je peux parler 3 autres langues mais vraiment médiocrement - disons je peux me débrouiller avec. Je suis ici depuis le mois de mars donc 8 mois déjà, mais je vais tout doucement pour l'instant et je suis qu’à la 35eme leçon. Tout ce que j'espère c'est de pouvoir communiquer avec mes amis chinois un de ces quatre... p.s: je suis ingénieur.

Hi everyone! I see that I am the only one to write in French here .. Hey, I am Sri Lankan and all the languages are foreign to me except my mother tongue Sinhala. I speak French (10 years in Paris) and Russian (10 years in Ukraine / Russia) fluently without an accent. I learnt Spanish for few years on my own (70%) and last year I took a month's class in Spain. I currently live in Canada in the English-speaking west. My English is not without an accent, because I learnt it at school in Sri Lanka with a bad accent, but I almost lost it (phew..). I can speak 3 other languages but really poorly - let's say I can get by. I have been here since March (8 months so far) but I'm going quite slowly and only at the 35th lesson. All I hope is to be able to communicate with my Chinese friends one of these days... p.s: I'm an engineer.

Seancharlton 4 years ago

你好。我是英国人。 that’s as much as I have after a few days I’m quite proud of it 😅 I have my own business in e-commerce in which I work a lot with Chinese people through WeChat so I thought it would be a good opportunity to learn and practice a new language :)

So far been enjoying it, finding learning the symbols and meanings easier than the pinyin, hopefully that will come however with practice. It’s only been 3 days!

Jessica Hershey 4 years ago

你好人人!My name is Jessica and I have been away for a bit, and I see things have changed! I like to come back to Domino now and then and run back through the courses when I don't have many chances to practice Chinese locally. (In a pandemic it's hard to find Chinese speaking people in my house). I miss seeing my name on the instructions for setting up flashcards in ANKI. But progress has made them available here which is far smoother and easier to do, right? Weeee.. anyway, it's nice to be here once again. 拜拜

Bayu Indriyanto 4 years ago

Just getting started with Domino Chinese and I love it! read my blog at

Domino Gavin 4 years ago

大家好,我是Gavin,中国成都人,是Domino Chines的 Head of Customer Support,我目前居住在柬埔寨。

Hi guys, this is Gavin. I'm born and raised in Chengdu, China but now living in Cambodia. I'm the Head of Customer Support here at DominoChinese.

Akshay Kalariya 3 years ago

大家好, 我叫AKSHAY. I am too excited to learn chinese and this course is so great with good pace that we grasp all thing. I am looking for chinese speaking person for application on my learning . you can get in touch with me by my instagram account "akshay_sdnd"

Kumarsaurabh471990 3 years ago

大家好!我叫Kumar Saurabh。我在学习中文。我是印度人。我是三十岁。我没有中文的名字。我喜欢中国。我要去中国。我六个月住过在惠州。

Gallegosreipa 3 years ago

Hi guys! My name is Edgardo and I´m from Mexico. Have been trying to learn Chinese but I find it too dificult. Now I think Felix´s Method is the one that will have me speaking and reading Chinese in a very short time

Lisa Li 3 years ago

你好。我是李丽莎。我是美国人。我的老公是中国人。 Hi :) I'm Lisa Li. My husband is Chinese and I'm an American. He's fluent in both Chinese and English. I am studying Chinese to be able to talk to him and his family, and his Chinese friends. It's also fun to learn. One day I hope to surprise him by being able to converse with him like a native speaker. I'm happy to meet you all :)

Stefan 3 years ago

你好我炒饭… that is my Chinese nickname :) I tried different apps but this is by far the best and funniest one I have seen … I am so addicted actually to make progress… but I know it will take time … luckily I am in Shenyang and have a lot of practice 中国人 :) it’s is nice because they also correct me and I am not scared anymore to try it :) thanks so much to all the team :) anybody from shenyang here ? 拜拜 Stefan 炒饭:)

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