Lynn Dennett 4 years ago
Help! Anki Master needed

I'm trying to get Anki up and running with the Domino deck. Following the instructions in the video I got the first chapter to work. However, changing the lesson number, say from 1 to 2, gives me the message, "The provided search did not provide any cards."

I'm using this code copied from the PDF: card:"recall" is:new tag:"Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1"

Someone please help! Thanks in advance.

Jonatan Björkman 4 years ago

Hi Lynn, Try this code, it works for me: card:"recall" is:new tag:Level1::Chapter1::Lesson2

Lynn Dennett 4 years ago

Hey, thanks for the reply. Copied and pasted and get the same error message. I think I'll stick with Pleco.

Benedikt Kick 4 years ago

Hi Lynn!

I had my fair share of struggle with Anki and the setup, but now it works flawlessly for me.

These are my settings now, and I'm very happy with it:

Deck #1 - Recognition: card:"Recognition" is:new tag:"Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1" Daily Limit: 1000 Selected by "Oldest seen first"

Deck #2 - Recall: card:"Recall" is:new tag:"Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1" Daily Limit: 1000 Selected by "Oldest seen first"

Deck #3 - Stroke Order: card:"Stroke Order" is:new tag:"Level1::Chapter1::Lesson1" Daily Limit: 1000 Selected by "Oldest seen first"

Deck #4 - Recognition Review: card:"Recognition" is:due Daily Limit: 50 Selected by: "Relative Overdueness"

Deck #5 - Recall Review: card:"Recall" is:due Daily Limit: 50 Selected by: "Relative Overdueness"

Deck #6 - Stroke Order Review: card:"Stroke Order" is:due Daily Limit: 50 Selected by: "Relative Overdueness"


The lessons in the online course are always 1-4 for each chapter, but in Anki the lessons go from 1-20 for each level.

So if you reach e.g. Level 1 Chapter 2 Lesson, then you need to change your deck settings to Level 1 Chapter 2 Lesson 5 instead of etc.!

I decided to have 3 review decks instead of all in one, because Anki used to show my Stroke Order cards before Recognition cards otherwise. Which made no sense.

Lynn Dennett 4 years ago

Thanks again. I've been using the Pleco flashcards but people keep saying Anki is the way to go, so I started using it. I thought it would be a good idea to start from Level 1 Chapter 1 Lesson 1 and build up to where I am in the course. It started out OK, but when I changed the tag Level 1 Chapter 1 Lesson 2, It gives the error message "The provided search did not match any cards. Would you like to revise it?" So I looked through the Domino 1-20 deck, found a Level 1 Chapter 1 Lesson 2 card, copied the tag, pasted it into the recognition search and still got that message. Even copying and pasting your new tags gave the same error message. So, now I'm pretty "WTF?" about Anki. It seems so counterintuitive. I don't understand why I'd get an error message simply changing Lesson1 to Lesson2.

Thanks for your reply. I like the idea of the three review decks. I had already noticed the lesson tag numbers go from 1 to 20. But thanks for the reminder anyway.

Benedikt Kick 4 years ago

Did you study any cards from the main deck before? With this setup you should never use the main deck directly. It might be then, that the cards from Lesson 2 are not marked as "new" anymore, when you had them open even only once before in the main deck.

I'd suggest to completely delete the main deck, then also delete the database of it in Anki, which you can find here: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Anki2\Name\collection.anki2 and then set up the filtered decks again.

Lynn Dennett 4 years ago

OK, that makes sense. I'll give that a shot. Thanks again for the advice!

Lynn Dennett 4 years ago

@Benedikt Kick That worked perfectly! Thanks so much!

Benedikt Kick 4 years ago


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