Manager 4 years ago
General chit-chatting

Whatever's on your mind, share it here and we'll start a conversation!

Steph Lee100 4 years ago

Learning so much and really enjoy the entertaining and helpful videos. Felix and Ann are a lot of fun. Still really missing other set of vocab lists from the old site. They were much more thorough and extensive with the building blocks, phrases and sentences. The definitions were short and listed just the meaning Felix was teaching. The words/phrases were in the same order as they are taught in the videos so I could follow along and write notes on them. The ones posted now print very tiny and I have to hunt around for the word being taught.

Antonio Ferrara 4 years ago

Hope Felix will answer....I was wondering, at the end of all the ,evels, more or less how many 汉字will we have learned?

Lee Saunders (大力) 4 years ago

The courses page shows you how many words you will learn on each path:

Antonio Ferrara 4 years ago

Yes I know...but you know, the number of words is different from the number of characters. So I was wondering how many 汉字 one learns in total

Felix Lattman 4 years ago

@Antonio, you'll know more than 1500 characters. Good question, and we'll find a place to display that! Felix

Antonio Ferrara 4 years ago

Thanks Felix...I care about it, cause it seems that the more I learn the more I seem to need in order to read

G H 4 years ago

Review -> Dialogs first of all, thanks for these. very helpful!

Right now i can see and play dialog 10 - 20 is there Dialogs 1 - 10 also somewhere?

Charles Lemon 4 years ago




Diogo Muniz de Souza 4 years ago

Loving the new version! Thanks for Felix and the team!

Felix Lattman 4 years ago

At the end of the month we'll have 1000 dialogs up!

Steph Lee100 4 years ago

Can you explain what "Hide Level" and "Show Level" means on the dialogs?

Lee Saunders (大力) 4 years ago

@Steph Lee100, when the level is on, it seems to show you which/how many characters make up each complete word or phrase. I think it is very useful as there are often no spaces between words in Chinese.

Lee Saunders (大力) 4 years ago

Notice the line that appears below the characters when the level is shown.

Clmnt_gh 4 years ago

it is funny

Jackie Damkjær Hansen 4 years ago

I REALLY love the automatic play on flashcards. SUCH a time saver. :D

Johann Kröber 3 years ago

Jackie er det dig? Kan du huske mig det er Johann. Vidste slet ikke at du interesserer dig for kinesisk. Tror jeg tilføjer dig på facebook, hvis du er den Jackie jeg kender. Hilsen

Joakim Nikolaidis 3 years ago

hey team, I am now at level 20 and would like to practice my vocab. Anyone at level 10+ interested to practice their vocabulary?

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