Ifor Williams 4 years ago
Android App Fix

The Android app has now been fixed, please update to version 5.0.1. Apologies for the inconvenience!

For users in China you can download the APK directly from the dominochinese.com footer link.

Also, if you like the app please write a favourable review :D

Antonio Ferrara 4 years ago

now the android app workes, but when I turn the flashcards it doesn't give me the translation

Anelyse Pétré 4 years ago

My app still doesn't work. What's the trick? 帮不帮?

Lee Saunders (大力) 4 years ago

@Antonio, I downloaded the APK for Android directly from the Domino Chinese site in the page footer under APPS, the flashcards work fine.

@Anelyse, what is not working? Are you using iOS or Android? Where and when did you get the app? You can send a feedback form with the problems to here: https://www.dominochinese.com/feedback

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