Omer Faruk Gani 4 years ago
200 hours of Domino

Is there anybody who completed fluency&advanced paths of dominochinese? What will be the level of whom completed 200 hours of lectures? Are you able to listen and understand chinese news?

Agarwal Agarwal 4 years ago

I am also looking for the same answer , can we read chinese newspaper or watch chinese film after completion of course ?

Simon Robinson 4 years ago

I do not know the answer but I guess it is down to the person. If you just do the course in isolation results will be limited but if you also watch native content like moves etc now then you should see a steady progression. More exposure you have the better the end results will be. But it would be nice to hear more of peoples long term results.

Lee Saunders (大力) 4 years ago

I started level 5 not long ago. I can understand more texts, but there are still large gaps between what I know and don't understand. I listen to real Chinese radio and I do 'notice' more words that I know (, so I can get the gist of things, so I would expect that after completing the fluency and advanced paths, I'd be able to understand almost all of what I hear and read.

Lee Saunders (大力) 4 years ago

@Simon Robinson is right about more exposure to the language.

Omer Faruk Gani 4 years ago

@Lee Saunders (大力) @Simon Robinson I totally agree with both of you. Extra materials and exposure to language is defineteled needed and also using the language to express your thoughts is important too.

But what i guess is if therea anybody completed all 200Hours of Domino and how is her/his level?

Roberto Morelli 4 years ago

I did from level 1 to level 20 and now I can read many things, however I am still struggling with HSK5 exams because there are words not treated in the fluency and advanced path. Now I am starting with level 21 and next month I will try to pass HSK5. HSK6 I suppose is still very far from that. Listening I have problems but it is improving in the last few weeks.

Simon Robinson 4 years ago

HI Robert great to hear from someone so far ahead. Can I ask what your general conversation is like....have you felt a big impact in your ability to communicate in daily life speaking?

Roberto Morelli 4 years ago

Yes, I can discuss about basic stuff and work issues but not so technical ( i cannot describe still my engineering job in chinese, I think I must keep reviewing for a couple of months for that). I think I may need to reach HSK6 to be able to do that and honestly in job you need HSK6, HSK 5 is not enough for sure. I keep talking with my chinese friends.

Simon Robinson 4 years ago

Wonderful to hear thank you Roberto for sharing.

Antonio Ferrara 4 years ago

To improve listening skills in a language tha's so different from European ones I'm studying domino, but at the same time I also listen to chinese even if I can only catch a few words.I do this because as time passes the brain gets used to the way of speaking and more words start to be understandable. At the same time to test and improve my reading skills I'm reading graded readings from amazon. As I learn more I also listen to "LJ Chinese Thai" youtube channel, where he has chinese lesson in chinese. It's useful because his way of speking is a bit influenced by his local accent, so you won't hear "text book" chinese accent, but real chinese. I'm only at level 4 so I don't know how much chinese I will be able to store until level 20, but I'm sure that by listening and studying at the asme time one can only improve. Hope this did for me in studying English, now I watch tv series...

Simon Robinson 4 years ago

Yes extra listening super needed as much input as possible. I use the old glossika for mass input of sentences.

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