For any technical issues or feature requests please use the submit feedback form here, rather than posting on the forum, thanks.

Online Quran Classes for Kids

Platforms like Holy Quran Classes offer a convenient way for children to learn the Quran from home. With experienced ...

Usonlinequranclasses94 replied 1 month ago

what happened to DominoSwedish?

I really liked DominoSwedish and that Felix and team were building CEFL level based courses for it. I'm sad to see it...

Andrew Adamson replied 1 year ago

Is anybody there?

Hello? Is this place alive? This course is great, but it feels like there is nobody in here...

Melissa Gendron replied 1 year ago

Is Domino Chinese still going?

The forum isn’t active and the blog only goes up to the end of last year. A number of the pages on the website aren’t...

Melissa Gendron replied 1 year ago

Congrats on the new courses!

Congratulations on the new courses! Oh! Are they new? I've only just noticed the notification. Ah, the video on YT wa...

Lee Saunders (大力) posted 2 years ago

I like the flashcards

I like the flashcards. The button links to the videos and dictionary are very convenient. Thank you for updates.

Domino Gavin replied 2 years ago

How to unsubcribe?

I plan to unsubcribe to 1st learn a few hundred nouns before resubcribing to learn grammar, how do i unsubscribe?

Domino Gavin replied 2 years ago

New course structure (Where to begin if you are on the advanced path)

To those who are pretty far into the old advanced path. How do you handle the new course structure? Do you just scrab...

Jackie Damkjær Hansen replied 2 years ago

What happened to the chapter Story Time videos?

I used to enjoy listening to the Story Time videos at the end of the chapters, but now they are disjointed because of...

Domino Gavin replied 2 years ago

Flash card settings

Is there going to be any changes in the flash card settings coming soon? Like the ability to push cards out of rotati...

Mredpath86 replied 2 years ago

The Third Tone is a Low Tone?

I keep hearing that in spoken Chinese, the third tone is actually a low tone and the rising-falling pattern only happ...

Lee Saunders (大力) replied 2 years ago

New Vocabulary (because of HSK change?) in level 1-9

大家好, I've noticed that in the first few levels a lot of new vocabulary got added. Could I get a list with all the...

Sangdang123 replied 3 years ago

I've lost practice worksheets!

Hello, I can not find the practice sheets for character writing. I've found them once before but now I'm totally lost...

Kay Jackson replied 3 years ago

Can I use Alipay or Wechat?

Hello, I am currently living in China and would love to sign up for the courses. However, I can't find a way to pay v...

Domino Gavin replied 3 years ago

I just want to thank you for all your hard work!

I know this may not be suitable for a forum but I just wanted to say that I feel very grateful towards all you people...

Domino Gavin replied 3 years ago